2023 LUNA MOTH  Immersion Training, June 4-8, 2023

Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs

Summer Crider of The Giving Cypress worked hard to design and then to recruit interested Deaf and Hard of Hearing participants. Twelve individuals came to Snowmass for the June 4-8th training offered by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy. Jackie Kuang (hearing) and Summer (Deaf) led the four days of training that included outdoor activities and workshop sessions. With the support of interpreters, Jackie relayed the content of the program. Both inspired the community with  their unique leadership styles. Participants are part of a six month certification program to become Nature and Forest Therapy Guides. 

The Aspen Camp was not only fortunate to provide the site for this training but also reaped the benefits of 5 of those Guides In Training who came back and helped lead our Families in Nature programs that took place in July. 

Summer’s enthusiasm for what the Aspen Camp property can create as a place to run such a training is already advancing the idea of possibly running the training again in 2024, with requested dates of early June 2024. This successful program brought people new to the Aspen Camp here and created a strong cohort for their ongoing six month program. If interested, see natureandforesttherapy.earth

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