• 2024- Here we come!

    What an incredible milestone! Our first in-person board meeting in years was an absolute success. Engaging discussions on budget, programming, and more set the stage for an amazing 2024. The opportunity to meet in person bonded us closer, fueling excitement for what’s ahead! Here’s to a fantastic year ahead—2024, we’re more than ready for you! …

  • Benefit Lunch at Pine Creek

    The Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing would like to extend an enormous thank you to John and Juliet Wilcox for sharing the event of Closing Day at the Pine Creek Cookhouse this past Sunday, October 8th. On a beautiful fall day in Ashcroft , more than 200 locals and tourists came…

  • Wilderness First Aid with NOLS

    The Aspen Camp successfully hosted its first Wilderness First Aid/CPR course through the National Outdoor Leadership School on site with a full roster of 29 participants. Lodging and meals were provided for those who chose to stay on-site at the Camp, our outdoor Pavilion made for a lovely outdoor classroom and opportunities for hands-on practice…


    The Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing was able to partner with two organizations to offer a four day experience for a small group of Deaf women who struggle with ongoing life challenges as survivors of domestic violence. The non-profit DOVE: Deaf Overcoming Violence through Empowerment from Denver, Colorado and Sego Lily Center for the…

  • 2023 Families in Nature

    The two July Family Camps: Forest Camp, July 7-10 and Creekside Camp July 13-17, served a total of 12 adults, 16 children from seven families. Five volunteers at each Camp worked hard to run outdoor activities, prepared and served meals and brought back to life the hopes of the Camp’s 1967 founders and supporters. This…

  • 2023 NMSD Summer Camp

    The Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing was fortunate to be able to offer the use of the Camp as a site for a ten day program for 32 children and youth from New Mexico. Jesse Woosley, Camp Director for New Mexico School for the Deaf, ran a safe and successful program…

  • 2023 Luna Moth Immersion

    2023 LUNA MOTH  Immersion Training, June 4-8, 2023 Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs Summer Crider of The Giving Cypress worked hard to design and then to recruit interested Deaf and Hard of Hearing participants. Twelve individuals came to Snowmass for the June 4-8th training offered by the Association of Nature and Forest…

  • To the Mennonite Volunteers- Thank You!!

    The Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing would like to extend huge appreciation to Aaron Aeschliman and Katrina Toews of Carbondale and their church’s connection with the Colorado/New Mexico chapter of the Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS). Under their leadership and organizational efforts, a group of 30+ individuals, some local from the Roaring…

  • Letter to Editor re: Roaring Fork Leadership

    Aspen Camp for the Deaf appreciations The Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing would like to recognize the Roaring Fork Leadership Cohort’s team of six who recently put on a fundraiser for the Camp via its Pre-Hang-out Event at the April 14 TACAW Motet Concert.  This ambitious group of individuals: Kristen Strope,…

  • Adult Winter Camp 2023

    The Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing ran its second program for 2023 with a group of 9 adult individuals who came from as far away as Georgia, Maryland and Vermont to enjoy Presidents’ Weekend at our beautiful wintery 17 acre campus. The group of 6 Deaf individuals and 3 signing/hearing folks…

  • Letter to Editor

  • Women Snowshoe Retreat 2023

    The Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing had an exciting weekend over Martin Luther King Weekend, January 13-16th. The Women’s Snowshoe Retreat was brought back to life this year with seven women participants and two fabulous volunteer leaders who ran a safe and successful weekend at Aspen Camp. Blessed with a beautiful…

  • Planning for 2023

    Today’s the day– Colorado Gives Day is here! We are thankful for having this opportunity to share the hard work so many volunteers have given to help Aspen Camp thrive and our community flourish this year.  Today, we can all make a greater impact and position Aspen Camp for another incredible year ahead.  We are…

  • High Five to Aspen Camp!

    Today is GIving Tuesday, and we hope you’ve been sharing support to your many favorite nonprofit organizations. With so many nonprofits needing our support, Aspen Camp is doing a Give Five campaign in light of our 55- year history. WHY FIVE?  In American Sign Language, there’s so much we can do with ‘5’ – the…

  • A Closer Look at the Job Skills Training program (May 2022)

    In our last letter, we mentioned the improvements to camp facilities. We owe a great deal of gratitude to everyone who supported us for the pilot of the Job Skills Training Camp. This program brought transitional students from Colorado School for the Deaf Blind, Utah School for the Deaf Blind, and New Mexico School for…

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