The Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing ran its second program for 2023 with a group of 9 adult individuals who came from as far away as Georgia, Maryland and Vermont to enjoy Presidents’ Weekend at our beautiful wintery 17 acre campus. The group of 6 Deaf individuals and 3 signing/hearing folks participated in snowshoeing outings and making solid community connections with one another. To make the weekend fun and “campy”, participants stayed in the wood heated cabins and joined in PLAY from the perspective of games, improv, and activities that were facilitated by Anisa Singleton and Clint Woosley. The weekend included lots of laughter, being unplugged, morning yoga, healthy meals, staying present and in the moment, being outdoors to connect in the natural environment and learning more about the Camp’s unique forest and surroundings.

We hope that there might be a ripple effect for folks talking about the Camp and telling their stories. We suspect that a few might come back as participants again or as volunteers in the future. A safe and quality experience was had by all.

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